Terri Cannon Photography Children’s Portrait Parties!!!!

Portrait parties bring together friends and family for affordable professional portraits taken in a relaxed, natural environment.

These sessions give everyone a custom portrait experience with Terri Cannon Photography without the larger investment of a full custom session.

Portrait Parties are great for people who:

* are on a budget but still want professional photos taken of their children or themselves.
* need updated photos of their kiddos.
* have always wanted to try a “themed” session.
* want a fun way to bond with girlfriends

What is a Portrait Party?

A portrait party is an event hosted in your home or a near by location (parks are great!) where Terri Cannon Photography will take professional portraits for you and your friends in 15 – 20 minute mini-sessions.

How do they work?

Portrait Parties are hosted by one person who provides the location, coordinates the guest list, schedules the sessions in 20 minute intervals and collects the fees. Hostess get a free photo session and a $50.00 print credit for hosting a Terri Cannon Photography Portrait Party. In addition, you receive a $10 print credit for every person who commits (10 guests = $100!) and a $20 print credit for any guest that books a Terri Cannon Portrait Party from your party!  (5 parties= $100.00)

Each guest pays a $50.00 reduced-rate portrait fee which includes the following (note: Hosts get all this free!):

  • One 15- 20 minute custom photo session
  • 8-10 digitally enhanced photos to choose from
  • $25.00 print credit  (Host gets a $50.00 print credit)
  • $100 print credit on a future photography session from Terri Cannon Photography

Sign me up!

First, make out a potential guest list. I require at least 6 people to participate in the parties with a maximum of 15. Discuss dates with your guests to see which dates will work best for all of you. Think of the best location (Spring & Summer sunshine make parks and backyards work lovely). Once your date is set I will furnish invitations you can mail, you can also use e-vites or by create an event on Facebook .

Things to think about…

It’s All About FUN

Encourage your guests to bring hats, fairy wings, princess crowns, wonder-woman & superman outfits, bubbles, hula-hoops and any other props that they would like to use to make their photos memorable of their child’s unique stage of life.

Play with Themes

As wide open as your imagination! Here are some suggestions:

  • Superheros
  • Father’s Day gifts & Mother’s Day gifts
  • Princesses & Pirates
  • Tea Party
  • Holidays (Christmas, Easter, 4th of July)

Tips for a Successful Host

  • Have snacks (it keeps the little ones busy who are waiting for their turn). You can provide snacks yourself or do it potluck style have everyone bring a little something to share.
  • Schedule your guests’ sessions 20 min apart. Schedule them consecutively so there aren’t any gaps (i.e. 10, 10:20, 10:40, etc). Let your guests know they aren’t required to stay the whole time.
  • Follow up with your guests with reminders

The only monies you are responsible for collecting is the initial fee ($50/guest).  Please let guests know they may pay in cash or check (note: checks MUST be made out to Terri Cannon Photography).

If guest want to order more prints, you can let them know they can order directly from me.  Discount print packages will be available with an exclusive Portrait Party discount.

  And remember: As a hostess, you receive one 15-20 minute session complimentary along with a $50.00 print credit. In addition, you receive a $10 print credit for every person who commits (10 guests = $100!) and a $20.00 print credit for everyone that books a party from your party!!


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