If change is so good for you – then why do I have a headache?

 If every time your life changes it’s like adding a new chapter to a book – then I must have an encyclopedia started!!   

The last half of 2010 I was so busy I had to keep a chalk board on my desk with a list of all the things I had to do.   And then December hit – and hit hard.  I had a lot of print orders from previous shoots and weddings (thank you!),  but for the first time EVER I’ve found dust on my camera.   Of course the first thing I did was give away a free mini-shoot.   The second thing I did was to offer 1/2 price portrait sessions to my FaceBook fans for the entire month of January. 

Last year I made a vow that I would never again work FULL TIME for anyone else.   Here it is the next to the last day of the year and I’m going through the want ads and I’m posting my resume again.   It makes me a little sad and a little more discouraged.   It’s time for faith – but it’s also time to pay the rent!

So I’m seriously considering moving.   Those of you that have been to my home studio know I live in this big beautiful 1920’s apartment in one of the coolest  parts of old Nashville.    A friend of the family has an adorable dupelex available in Hermitage and has offered a deal my head and checkbook wants to accept.  But my heart hurts.

The list of pros and cons are heavy on the pro side.  I’d have outdoor space – which I’ve so missed (and so has Trey).   Living expenses would be cheaper.  I wouldn’t have to depend on a roommate.  I might be able to get by on supplementing with a part-time job.  

The trade-off is I would lose my home studio.  I can shoot anywhere – and I can always set up a portable studio, but there’s nothing like walking in to a studio/room that’s completely set up and ready 24-7. 

I feel like I’m being tested.  

Changing Our Family Christmas Traditions

 I am so blessed to come from a large family and to currently have a large family, which includes 3 daughters, Shanna, Molly and Brooke, one son, Zachary, one granddaughter, Cassidi, one grandson, Greyson (pictured trying to play a horn tree ornament!).   My family also includes my son-in-law Hughes and two boy-friends-in-laws, Chris and Richard.  Like most families – get us all together and it’s one noisy loving bunch.

Also, like most families these days – the economy has hit us.  Some harder than others.  But we are all not only surviving, but thriving and looking forward to a bright and full future.     Saying that I also have to say as a family, we are looking at Christmas differently this year.    

Molly and Brooke came by last night and we talked about how to make the holidays supremely special without breaking the bank.    We’re taking an evening next week to all load up and drive around to see the lights and sing Christmas Carols – perhaps ending up at Opryland Hotel for a few Christmas family portraits.

To my family, Christmas is about the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.  Christmas Eve – those that can will go to church services.   We’ll sing Oh Holy Night and we’ll light candles and pass on Christmas blessings to all around us.  

Instead of all the expensive gifts we will do a Dirty Santa for the adults with a $20 limit.   Of course the little ones will still have presents under the tree –  the magic of Santa Claus continues!

I’ve always “done” dinner –  but this year it’s more of a joint effort than in the past.  And why not?  My kids are grown and they all love to cook (well, Zach loves to have someone else cook) so this year they are all bringing a special dish.    I can’t wait.

So here it is December 15th and I’m finally feeling the spirit of Christmas!  Oh one tradition I love that will be extra special this year – at dinner we go around the table and talk about our blessings and our gratitude.   

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Updating my website

Lots of changes coming up for 2011.  I’m updating my website – my goal is to completly update the entire site by the end of the year. So far I’ve gotten though the “In Love” gallery, which includes engagement sessions and weddings.

I’ve changed the background color to black, but I’m not sure I’ll leave it that way. I’m never happy with my website. If you keep up with my website you can look for more changes in 2011. I’m not sure what changes yet – maybe combining my blog and website…….

A wedding photographer’s biggest nightmare…

Can’t believe 2010 is almost over.

Looking back on this year I see I rode the train of faith to get me through….and guess what?  My blessings in return have been more than I ever dreamed.    6 months ago I vowed to never again work for anyone else FULL TIME.   Here it is the end of the year and I’ve kept my word – by the skin of my teeth, true – but never the less…

One of  this year’s surprises on a professional level, was my new and deeply inspired love of wedding photography!   Those of you that know me know up until this year I’ve kept weddings limited to loved ones and their loved ones.     What changed my mind….all those weddings!   All the excitement – the energy – the emotions and the relationships that make up the wedding day.

Ok, so that’s true..but that’s not all of the story.    Back in the early 90’s (in the film days) – I shot a beautiful wedding.   It was at the bride’s family home with about 75 guests.   I shot 7 – 36 exposure rolls and I knew I nailed that wedding!   When I went to the lab to pick up my images I found out all 7 rolls were blank!  A true nightmare!   I knew it was the lab’s error.  This was not my first wedding.  I was shooting with a Canon AE1 – there was no way to think you were shooting and not be.  It was a single lens reflex camera – which meant if the lens cap was on you couldn’t see anything – and the film counter does not work if the film was loaded incorrectly.   I knew all this. 

I also knew how heartbroken the bride would be…..and she was.   I’m sure she still is.

Fast forward to the digital age…. somewhere around 2004.    I bought my first digital slr (Canon 20D) and once again – I was off and running!    It wasn’t long before I was being asked to photograph a wedding –  unless I was blood related I would refer them to someone else.   If they were blood related and the “God Forbid” happened again – I knew they might be mad, but they would still love me.   All that blood that ties…. 

It never happened.  The “God Forbid” never happened again.      I’m not even going to knock on wood.    What did happen was that I let go of the fear and opened my heart to the day – and to the blessings I’ve been given.  

I started studying other wedding photographers, wedding magazines, wedding tv shows (except Bridzilla).    I shot with other photographers –  Michael Kroskopf and  Ryan Sweeney.   I did weddings for almost free.    I prayed about it,  and once again I started shooting from the heart.    My images were getting better and better…my “style” was emerging but more importantly my brides and grooms were happy!

I still get nervous before each wedding.    I spend hours before each wedding checking my equipment – I always take a backup camera and lenses.  And extra batteries.  And more memory cards than I could possibly use.  And an extra flash.  And extra batteries – just as back up for the backup batteries.  And the manuals to every camera and flash in my bag!   Before each wedding I pray for the couple getting married and say thank you for the honor to be their wedding photographer.  I give thanks for my camera bag and it’s contents and the knowledge on how to use it all and for the emotions that inspire me to record the day in images.

And then….game on! 

See some of my weddings:    Blog Postings/Weddings   and on my website :  www.terricannon.com